Lech Wałęsa: The Whole World's Veto In the Name of Solidarity

Even as a revolutionary I do not call for a bloody revolution. But as a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate it is even more difficult for me to disregard the violations of fundamental standards. In such situations one has to clearly say the biblical "yes, yes; no, no." Also in the case of China and Tibet.

One should not be afraid of the truth. This is what solidarity in global times requires us to do. Because the 21st century is a century of globalization and, as I ceaselessly hope, of solidarity. Solidarity will push out the old methods and the standards of living from the previous epoch - the epoch of divisions and wars. Cooperation based on solidarity is to dominate interpersonal relations. It should be visible in different fields. Also in economy. It is very good that we can cooperate economically with China. Competition always pushes the economy, now a global one, forward. And this is how it is supposed to be, but to a certain point, to a border marked out by standards. Especially the most important one - the standard of respecting human dignity. Every signal that we are approaching or crossing this border of dignity should turn the red light on. Stop! Veto! As the world we do not agree with this!

It is no different with China, Tibet and the Olympic Games. It is interesting that the world so suddenly became aware that something is wrong. I understand today's and yesterday's intentions of different sides. The International Olympic Committee assumed that the right to organize the Olympic Games would draw China into the orbit of peaceful civilization, which has high standards for respecting the rights of people and nations to self-determination. They thought that thus it would be easier to monitor China and its actions on various fields. And to some extent this did happen. We now know more about the situation in China, we can exert some pressure on them. We can and we must. Canceling the Olympic Games would not get us anything. Such behavior would be radical and in accordance with the old way of thinking. But yet again this does mean that we are to keep silent. We have to show China that we are not indifferent to this situation. I see various methods of doing this. Some people can boycott the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, others can show some gesture. This actually can have a bigger effect than a complete boycott. What would we get if Kozakiewicz boycotted the Olympics in Moscow? And what did we get as a result of his participation, victory and his famous gesture? We remember it to this day. And it was also properly interpreted by those to whom Kozakiewicz addressed this gesture. We are talking about sport here and against all appearances a lot can be done here in the categories of sport.

I am wondering about the actions I should take in this case. It is my intention to get in contact with my long-time friend His Holiness Dalai Lama. I am inviting Him to the conference organized for the occasion of my 25th anniversary of being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The conference will be held in December in Gdansk. The topic of our discussion will be "Solidarity for the Future." I am convinced that we will get in touch to discuss the burning issues even earlier. I will say one thing: if I get the invitation to the Olympics, I will attend them. There were the Olympic Games during which I carried a flag as a representative of Europe. This time I can also be a visible participant of the Olympics in order to attest both visibly and symbolically in the name of a greater cause. This is the attitude I see for the coming event. And not only for this situation because the Olympics is just one occasion. What is of crucial importance here is that after the Olympics silence does not fall upon the issues of the world's problems and human rights violations. And this is a task for the people of peace! I invite everyone to enter this way! In the spirit of the Risen Lord! And of the new hope He brings!

Lech Wałęsa for Wirtualna Polska


Author: Lech Wałęsa
Lech Wałęsa: The Whole World's Veto In the Name of Solidarity

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Conference "Solidarność for the Future"

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